Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Geographical Sciences


Наумов В.А., Наумова О.Б., Осовецкий Б.М.
Studies conducted on the man-made rain JSC «Uzhuralzoloto». Investigated stockpiled tailings slurry pits and precipitation after the development of gold ore. In the dumps and sediments established processes of decomposition of unstable sulphides and gold-bearing phase transition from the solid to the liquid state in slabotsianovom solution. The source of the gold in the slime are undecomposed in vat leaching gold bearing sulfides free fine gold and gold intergrowths covered technological film formed on the surface of larger particles of gold. Gold extraction from industrial waste dumps slime storage can be increased by removing gold from saturated solutions, enhancing the processes of decomposition of sulphides, the design of new sludge depositories. Mineralogical and technological mapping dumps will select individual blocks dumps with different technological characteristics of ores. Similar processes are characteristic of the man-made piles of placers. Atomic absorption analysis in alluvial clay fraction set higher gold concentrations - from 0.5 to 1.0 g/t. Gold of clay fractions may be recovered by leaching.